From the viewpoint of food preservation, the oxygen in the air is quite reactive. Apart from accelerates the chemical oxidation of food nutrients (especially vitamins A and C) and other constituent, oxygen is also in favor of mold growth, which…
Packaging can increase the shelf life of poultry meat; however, it cannot improve the quality of the product. Thus, good manufacturing and handling practices must be used to maintain a high quality packaged product. Fresh Poultry Vacuum And Modified Atmosphere…
In preserving foods such as meats and fish with smoke, the preservative action generally comes from a combination of factors. Smoke contains preservative chemicals such as small amounts of formaldehyde and other materials from the burning of wood. In addition,…
Microbial growth and oxidation of the red oxymyoglobin pigment are the main spoilage mechanisms that limit the shelf life of raw red meats. The packaging technologist has to maintain the desirable red colour of the oxymyoglobin pigment, by having an…
Microbial growth, particularly growth of Pseudomonas and Achromobacter species, is the major factor limiting the shelf life of raw poultry. These Gram-negative aerobic spoilage bacteria are effectively inhibited by CO2. Consequently, the inclusion of CO2 in MAP at a concentration…
The principal spoilage mechanisms that limit the shelf life of cooked, cured and processed meat products are microbial growth, colour change and oxidative rancidity. For cooked meat products, the heating process should kill vegetative bacterial cells, inactivate degradative enzymes and…
There has been a very significant increase in the sale of MAP fish products in Europe and particularly in the UK. Nevertheless, packaging technologists should be aware of a major concern limiting the development of MAP, namely C. botulinum. There…
Consumers now expect fresh fruit and vegetable produce throughout the year. MAP has the potential to extend the safe shelf life of many fruits and vegetables. Packaging fresh and unprocessed fruits and vegetables poses many challenges for packaging technologists. As…
MAP has the potential to increase the shelf life of a number of dairy products. These include fat-filled milk powders, cheeses and fat spreads. In general, these products spoil due to the development of oxidative rancidity in the case of…
Vacuum packaging or vacuum sealing is a form of packaging that involves the removal of air from a pouch or plastic container. Vacuum packaging with an extremely high gas barrier packaging materials has the purpose of food preservation. How Does…