The largest ice crystal zone should be generated as quickly as possible. The ice crystal formed by quick freezing has many fine and uniform crystals, and the water transfers from the cells to the outside of the cells less, so as not to cause mechanical damage to the cells. The undestroyed cell tissue in the frozen state can maintain its original position after proper thawing, and play its original role, which is conducive to maintaining the original nutritional value and quality of the food.
Properly frozen foods maintain more of their original color, flavor and texture and generally more of their nutrients. Air blast freezers typically are operated at temperatures of -30 to -45°C with forced air velocities of 1.5–6.0 m s-1.
Freezing is one of the oldest and most widely used methods of food preservation, which allows preservation of taste, texture, and nutritional value in foods better than any other method.
The rate of heat transfer from the freezing medium to the product is important in defining the freezing time of the product.
Our Individual Quick Freezing Equipment (IQF) includes quick freezer and rapid freezer.
In the contact plate freezer, the product is pressed between metal plates (hollow shelves). Refrigerant is circulated inside channels in the plates, which ensures efficient heat transfer and results in short freezing times, as in the case of frozen fish fillets, shrimp, chopped spinach, or meat offal.