Vacuum Frying Is A Worth Practicing Fruits And Vegetable Crisp Chips Frying Technique
Vacuum Frying Is A Worth Practicing Fruits And Vegetable Crisp Chips Frying Technique
May 29, 2024
Fried fruits and vegetable crisp chips are the consumers always expect popular snacks because of their unique flavor and texture. Fried under vacuum makes an alternative to oily snack foods that contribute wellness and health.
According to Garayo and Moreira (2002), the vacuum frying pressure should be below 6.65 kPa abs. Vacuum frying may process fresh fruit into chips that have low moisture and fat content, while preserving certain health benefits.
What vacuum fryer is available for fruits and vegetable crisp chips practical application now?
The intermittent vacuum fryer is appropriate for laboratories and small scale investment; it is batch operated with the material loading capacity ranging 10 to 20 Kg, 60 to 80 Kg, and 90 to120Kg respectively and selects steam as heating source. While commercial food manufacturers prefer to the continuous vacuum fryer. An annual output of 300 tons of finished fruit and vegetable chips, [take potato chips as an example@1000Kg/day, 45Kg/h]