Various types of air blast freezers are used including tunnel quick freezers, fluidized quick-freezer, and spiral freezers. These all function by circulating cold air, often below –30°C, at high velocity above and around the product. The most common type is the tunnel freezer…
Vacuum frying is a suitable processing method for the production of high quality fruit crispy. With this technology, fruits which are abundant and sometimes wasted at harvest season can be processed and still have high selling price. The vacuum frying technology…
From: [] Don’t even start with that “made from potatoes” business: chips are not a vegetable. Plain salted potato chips are “a low-nutrient, high-calorie food,” says Lindsay Malone, registered dietitian who works at the Cleveland Clinic. A typical 1.5-ounce bag…
Vacuum fryer has following characteristics: (1) Low temperature, Maintaining the original color, flavor and nutrition of fruits & vegetables; (2) Moisture evaporates quickly, drying time is short; (3) Puffing the food, improve the products reconstitution properties; (4) Extend the foods shelf…
Low temperature fried fruits and vegetables chips which are produced with vacuum frying machine are one of the most popular healthy foods now. Generally, the best quality fruit and vegetable chips have a flat and crispy texture with low oil content. Chip…
The use of vacuum is an alternative to improve quality of products during deep fat frying. Air absence during vacuum frying can inhibit lipid oxidation and darkening of fruits and vegetables. Vacuum fried fries can exhibit a crunchy texture, suitable color and…
Steam carries approximately six times the energy of boiling water and gives up that energy upon contact with a colder surface. This simple fact makes steam an ideal heat transfer medium, and steam jacketed kettles the ideal way to cook,…
The intermittent vacuum fryer is more appropriate for smaller scale snacks business and the continuous vacuum frying machine is a good choice for commercial food manufacturers use because this type can handle large quantities.
Smoking has been traditionally used for shelf life extension and development of the typical sensory flavor associated with smoked meats. Sausages and other meat products are smoked for flavor and color development and to preserve the product. Hot smoking is…