Due to the rising health concern and the trends toward healthier snacks, vacuum fried fruits have become a common product, a wide range of fried fruits are now offered from fried bananas, jackfruits, pineapples, and pumpkins, just to name a few.
A vacuum fryer is a machine designed to fry vegetables, fruit, fish, and meat at low temperatures. The equipment has the ability to reduce the oil content of the food, sometimes well below 15 percent. It can also help to inhibit the loss of nutrients that commonly occurs with food cooked or fried at high temperatures. The vacuum fryer also maintains the food item’s color, consistency and flavor. Food fried with this frying method can be stored for a longer time than other types of fried food.
Vacuum frying snacks benefit that the crispness, flavor, structure and color of the products will be maintained. More importantly, acrylamide reduction in the process is achieved.